










The Ruhuna and Earl Grey tea sold on the Parmarche website is collected weekly from 60 farmer groups in Sri Lanka’s southern region called Deniyaya.

Each farmer works day in and day out to collect these tea leaves from their organic tea plantations, which range from 0.25-2 acres. Just to give you an idea, it takes 2 people (typically a husband and wife) a full day 8 hours of hand-plucking to get through 0.25 acres of tea field. Farmers pluck once a week to get the best part of the crop, and wait until the following week to pluck that same field. For the other days of the week, they focus on either non-organic tea farming, farming other crops they have planted, or working on other side-jobs to make extra income.

I found the range of livelihood and lifestyles that farmers had differed greatly from farmer to farmer. Some were barely making ends meet, receiving help from fellow more successful siblings to send their own children to school, and were wrought with health issues from heart failure to serious leg infections caused by leeches. And yet, I interviewed other farmers who were able to not only make ends meet but through mainly tea production, buy their house, send their kids to school and have a little more cushion in their income.

I can’t make sweeping generalizations but I found that the farmers who were doing well, were fully invested in organic tea production. It was a way of life, a lifestyle and something they enjoyed and thrived on. They have a vision of protecting their village environment, to the global environment through organic tea farming, and some were thinking ahead to the future of the Sri Lankan tea industry. There was a sense of pride and joy as their eyes twinkled speaking about their passion for tea making and their gratitude towards Parcic. I can’t say that the difference in output is purely from mindset only, but out of 8 farmer interviews, the 5 who were consistently making above 20kg per month for organic tea were mentioning similar comments about “tea making is a lifestyle”.

The current economic climate in Sri Lanka is tough. Sri Lankan residents are still recovering from the extreme financial crisis from 2 years ago, and sometimes selling to the fastest tea leaf buyer to make ends meet. Not to mention, factories have been suffering from a lack of supply from tea farmers as well as volatile pricing and demand in the tea industry and sweeping well-intentioned but catastrophic changes the Sri Lankan government makes with little on-the-ground experience. Furthermore, farmers have to continue to do their best in tea production amid climate change which affects rain patterns, sun strength, bug diversity, and animal migration patterns, which all significantly impact the amount of output farmers are able to produce. In this way the most affected are the small-scale farmers and small-scale factories who have to continue to put their best foot forward despite unstable conditions in recent years.  

Your support in purchasing the 100% Sri Lankan origin Ruhuna tea and Earl Grey tea, contributes to the funds which support farmers and their efforts to create the finest organic tea from Sri Lanka into the palm of your hand. Please enjoy the taste of detailed care and dedicated passion that farmers committed to hand-picking the finest quality of Sri Lankan organic tea, into what we hope is a small breath of fresh air into your day.
